Expedition Cruising with Hurtigruten

Katrina Smith on 08 May 2019
Expedition cruising with Hurtigruten involves smaller ships with amazing and adventurous itineraries, exploring places like Antarctica and the Arctic, the Galapagos Islands and the Caribbean, the Norwest Passage, Greenland etc.

I recently met with Mark from Hurtigruten to find out a bit more about them and their expedition fleet. What an amazing company they are, with over 125 years experience in exploration. Currently, they have 4 expedition ships with two new ships launching late 2019/early 2020: MS Roald Amundsen and MS Fridtjof Nansen. These two ships will use new and environmentally sustainable hybrid technology.

Single-use plastics, such as straws and plastic cups, have been removed from the whole fleet, and the use of polluting and toxic heavy fuel has also been banned. Add to this, the installation of new propellers on Hurtigruten's ships to reduce CO2 emissions by 2,300 tonnes a year and their voluntary beach clean-ups and the end result is the greenest fleet in the world.

Hurtigruten have highly experienced experts onboard, such as marine biologists, photographers, oceanographers and more to make your trip a truly unforgettable experience. There are lectures on subjects such as history, climate change and sustainability to name but a few.

Because their ships are smaller, they can take you to places the larger cruise ships cannot reach, closer to nature. It is fantastic to be able to see rare wildlife in their natural habitats, for example whales, penguins (my favourite) and polar bears.

On a Hurtigruten expedition cruise, you will be provided with a complimentary waterproof jacket, as well as the loan of rubber sole boots – needed for the Antarctic, and the use of trekking poles.

No cruise would be the same without good food – and Hurtigruten is certainly ensuring this is the case on board their ships. Whether you are a meat eater, fish fan or vegetarian, there is something for everyone. They have a very popular plant-based menu for vegans. Life on board the ship is informal and friendly, with a casual dress code, stunning views and very good company.

You can’t help but feel at home onboard a Hurtigruten cruise.