The Spirit of Iceland....

Sarah Todd on 07 December 2012
Iceland, it’s not a destination – it is an adventure!

It may be freezing cold in the winter but the beautiful Icelandic people will give you the very warmest of welcomes. The air is clean and crisp and every gust of unforgiving wind will feel like it’s blowing away any troubles you may have. The Icelanders have a pride in their island and an appreciation of the great things they have rather than bitterness about the things they don’t. The ‘spirit’ definitely lives here.

We explored just a glimmer of this fabulous island – from snowmobiling to surreal sunrises and sunsets. From geyser hopping to stunning waterfalls, from geothermal pool dipping to star gazing – and of course… the Northern Lights! Being the least densely populated Country in Europe, Iceland will allow you to connect with nature and make you feel like the last person in the Universe.

In short, Iceland makes you feel ALIVE……