Based in Edzell Woods

Erin Cameron

Available for new enquiries

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It's Nice To Meet You

Hello, my name is Erin, I’m happy to be your local Travel Counsellor. I live in the small town of Edzell which I love for its peace and quiet and many options for great dog walks.

I have worked in travel now for twelve years and have really loved it, I pride myself on great customer service. I have worked mainly in luxury worldwide travel, so know all the best places to see and stay. I really love inspiring people to visit some of my favourite destinations, and learn from them about their experiences too. I have also been in the lucky position of being able to travel far and wide during this time, some of my favourites being trekking in the Rwandan National Parks to see wild mountain gorillas, visiting the Taj Mahal, visiting vineyards in Argentina and soaking up the sun in the Maldives.

I really look forward to hearing from you, and helping you make your next adventure a reality whether it be a round the world trip, a trip to Orlando, a long weekend in Paris, or the perfect honeymoon.


Contact Me

Whatever your holiday needs I'm here to help you, so simply give me a call or send me an email with your contact details on and I can get things started for you:

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My Blog

I absolutely live and breathe travel and I love to write about my experiences! Please take a look through my posts - you might find your own holiday inspiration.

Staycation: Isle of Wight

04 June 2019

I have never really understood the attraction of a staycation, to me any time off work has always been a challenge to get as far away from home as possible. This year however I found myself in Southampton for a couple of days for work and decided that is was a good opportunity to explore. I have had family in the Isle of Wight all my life but hadn’t visited in 25 years. Although I was only 8 at the time, I still have very fond memories, so was really keen to go and explore again. From the centre of Southampton, it is so easy, literally just walk to the ferry terminal. If travelling in from the airport, all you need to do is follow the signs for the train, which stops basically right outside the terminal. A ticket to central Southampton costs approximately £4.50 return and from there you can either walk or take the bus (free if you already have your ferry ticket) to the ferry terminal. It really couldn’t be more straight-forward. There are 2 options to get over to the island, either the Red Funnel Ferry, which is the car ferry and takes approximately an hour each way, or the Red Jet hovercraft which takes approximately 25 minutes. Each are around £10 one way for an adult. They both arrive into West Cowes, a quaint town, with a combination of little unique shops and your usual stores, where you can stock up on supplies. There are also accommodation options for every taste, from traditional hotels, to beautiful cottages, to ecopods and wigwams. There are plenty of different activities to keep everyone entertained. If you are into shopping, then a trip to Ryde is a must. There are plenty of interesting, independent boutiques, and lots of lovely bistros and wine bars for a well-deserved pit stop. The island is a mecca for artisans of all types. There are at least 4 glass studios, which is my personal favourite medium, and plenty of painters, sculptors and potters etc. A good place to start is Arreton Barns where you will find a vast collection of artists in glass, leather, pottery and woodwork all in the one place. There are also literally 100’s of different walks, from coastal treks to walks over the downs, many of which pass through fantastic little villages where you can stop for a refreshment. There are also walks where you can search for fossils along the route, walks where you can explore the history of the area, and walks where you can visit the sites that inspired your favourite artists and writers. There really is something for everyone. One of my personal favourites is a stroll around the Mottistone Estate, it’s a perfect option for your four-legged friends. You can finish off with a stroll through the beautiful gardens of Mottistone House and then enjoy a cream tea whilst sitting in the fresh air. Honestly there is so much to see and do that I can’t possibly cover it all here, but hopefully this gives you just a little insight into this little gem of an island. From the quintessential seaside resorts, amazing walks, unique shopping and beautiful art, there really is something for everyone. Sometimes you don’t need to go to the other end of the earth to find somewhere different, and beautiful. A staycation can be just as much of a holiday, without the jetlag.

Travelling Alone – A Woman’s Perspective

02 June 2019

I have pretty much always been in the position of travelling by myself and have found it is a great way to go as you meet more people, you can plan your own day and choose what you want to do. In other words, you can please yourself. When I was 18, I had my first trip away to Australia. My parents were concerned, as I am sure is the situation for many families. They were worried about my safety, which I suppose is only natural, but nevertheless they let me go and didn’t check up on me too much. Since then, I have travelled extensively in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. I have always stuck to these tips, and to date have never had any problems. 1. Do your research Read up on your planned destination and learn about local customs. Look for tips that will help you know what to do and what not to do as this can help you to fit in and not stick out like a sore thumb. Decide in advance what you want to do and where you want to see as this allows you to be more confident when you are out walking about. Try to learn a couple of local words and phrases as it always goes a long way if you put in the effort. It is always much appreciated by the locals and allows you to get off to a good friendly start with anyone you meet. 2. Dress Appropriately Comes into the above section too, find out what is deemed appropriate to be seen out and about in. If you are travelling to an area of the world where ladies generally cover up more, then try to adhere to this yourself. This will not only help you to blend in but can also help you to avoid any unwanted attention. You will also feel more comfortable. The one thing I always carry with me is a scarf, it can be so versatile, as well as being used as a headscarf it can also be used to cover shoulders or as a sarong, when it is appropriate to cover up. 3. Be aware of your surroundings It goes without saying but just being observant will avoid getting you into any awkward situations. You don’t need to be walking about fearing everyone, just be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your bag. Invest in one that you can wear to your front, and that zips up, so that you can keep your hands free. 4. Trust your instincts If you have an uneasy feeling about something, just go with your gut instinct. If you aren’t happy going out and about yourself then go on an organised tour or get your hotel to book you a taxi rather than picking one up on the street. If you don’t want to take your chances with restaurants, then speak to your hotel as they can recommend places that they know are going to be good. If you don’t want to go out and eat by yourself, just get room service and don’t beat yourself up about it. 5. Google Maps I often whip my phone out to make sure I am going the right way; it can save you so much time wandering around trying to find somewhere. Just be sensible as to where you are taking your phone out and who is around you. The other benefit of this rather than a guidebook or a map is that you aren’t walking about screaming tourist. 6. Have Fun I think nowadays there is an assumption that everyone is bad. And yes, there are some bad people out there, but the majority are good people. As I said above, I personally believe that confidence is so important in successfully travelling alone and not worrying about every place you visit, every hotel you stay in and every person you talk to is the best way to make this happen. Most importantly don’t have regrets, if you don’t enjoy something or don’t like a place, then put it down to experience and do something different next time. The world is an amazing place so don’t wait for someone else to come along to go and explore with, just do it, enjoy yourself and who knows who you will meet.

Into the mist

22 January 2019

Arriving into Kigali there are a few things that are immediately apparent. Firstly, in comparison to the rest of East Africa, it is amazingly clean, and I soon learnt that plastic bags are banned completely as they are taken from you at security before you can enter the country. Secondly, upon exiting the airport, you notice straight away how good the roads are. They put the UK to shame, not a pothole to be seen. Also, it was a lot less intimidating than perhaps one might imagine. Even my father, who had not travelled in Africa before and really isn’t keen on being too much out of his comfort zone, seemed surprisingly relaxed. This was a trip we had talked about taking for many years. When I was growing up, both of us having a love of African wildlife, we would watch programmes such as Planet Earth together. Now we were going to do it for real. After a day in Kigali and a day travelling to Ruhengeri we were going to start off with the most impressive and awe inspiring of all, the mountain gorillas. Arriving mid-afternoon, we headed into the city, still amazed by the shiny new buildings and brand-new traffic lights. We went to the Genocide Museum, perhaps not the most upbeat of beginnings to an adventure of a lifetime but really a must. To appreciate Rwanda, you need to appreciate its history and the reality of a horrific and gruesome past which seems so far removed from the country it is now, feeling safe and welcoming and full of smiles. It is not an enjoyable visit, but it is an important education, a message not to be forgotten, a story that needs to be told. In a somewhat sombre mood, we headed back to our hotel in the diplomatic area of the city, and out for what I can only describe as one of the best pizzas I have had outside of Italy, a rather pleasant surprise. The following day we headed to Ruhengeri, which is really the starting off point for trips into the Volcanoes National Park. Its approximately 60 miles from Kigali. You quickly notice upon leaving the capital that the roads start to become a bit more “British” in standard as they are slow going. It probably takes a couple of hours realistically, but the scenery, the villages you pass by, the life you see from the road, makes the time pass quickly. On arrival, a rooftop bar, views of the town and the National Park in the distance and a bottle of the local beer, Primus. Definitely worth a try, unlike the banana beer that the locals seemed to love, some a little too much, which I can only suggest is best avoided at all costs. The following day we woke early with anticipation. This was the day. The reason for the whole trip. We jumped in our minibus and headed off the National Park headquarters. On arrival we were met by our guide, who introduced himself and told us he had been working at the park for over 50 years. He had in fact guided Diane Fossey into the Rwandan foothills when she had been here studying the gorillas. Immediately I knew this was going to be a day to remember. It’s important to be aware that the gorillas are free to roam, albeit protected by guards day and night, so your hike could take half an hour, or it could take four hours depending on where they are that particular day. The guides are fantastic, keeping in radio contact with the guards at all times and knowing exactly where the gorillas are. They will try and get you on a trek to suit your ability where possible and porters are on hand to carry your backpack and assist where possible. Alexander, my porter, was amazing. He was always on hand to stop me from slipping on mud, or to help me to climb over a tree trunk. And I need to stress that while bravado might make you want to look after yourself, so to speak, the reality is this is their only income and by hiring a porter you are potentially stopping them from poaching to make ends meet. For the couple of pounds it will cost, just do it. We had a relatively easy walk, through some fields and up a steep, muddy hill, which probably took about 45 minutes. We reached a clearing and as we looked around, we spotted a gorilla, and another and another. Over 30 in total, sitting on the ground, roaming around, sleeping in the trees. We were surrounded. You are asked to keep your distance from them, not to get too close. In reality, the clearing was only big enough to be perhaps a metre away at the most and while we humans might try and stick to the rules, an adolescent gorilla has a mind of its own. This will feel like the most amazing hour of your life. Times are kept to a minimum to prevent the spread of disease and to protect the dwindling gorilla population. These animals are so vulnerable and so amazing and by visiting them you are helping to conserve them for future generations. Walking back down the hill and to our vehicle, we were still stunned to silence with what we had just experienced. I can honestly say, it was the best experience of my life so far, one which I would happily repeat again and again and don’t think I would ever tire of. If you have the opportunity to go, don’t think twice, just do it, I promise you will not regret it.

New To Cruise.....

07 August 2018

Recently, a good friend and customer of mine went away on her very first cruise. I asked her a few questions to gain an insight into cruising from a newbies point of view. Having cruised a few times I’d forgotten what it was like to not know what to expect. If you are thinking about your first cruise and are just not quite sure, I hope this will help you come to a decision. 1. Did you have any pre-conceived ideas of cruising? Yes, I thought it would be more regimented - at 3 pm you will be playing bingo in the games room! 2. What were you looking forward to most? Being at sea and visiting new places. 3. Was there anything you weren’t looking forward to? What it would it be like if the sea was rough, I was worried I’d be seasick. 4. What was your first impression of the ship? What a size! I couldn't quite take in that I was on a ship not a town! 5. Did the ship live up to expectation? Oh yes and more. 6. What was the best bit of your cruise? Arriving somewhere new every day. 7. Anything you didn’t like? Honestly - no. 8. Would you cruise again? Definitely. 9. Would you recommend cruising? Yes, it’s the only way to travel and see lots of different places. Cruising is like a tapas meal - a bit of everything. 10. Who would you recommend cruising to? Everyone. I couldn't get over the huge range of ages, families, singles. It was also great to see many people with disabilities aboard the ship proving there's great facilities and accessibility.

Whistle Stop Chicago

03 July 2018

I took a whistle stop trip to Chicago a couple of weeks ago to visit a friend. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, I always thought of it as a commercial city, with not a lot in terms of tourist attractions. I was quite wrong. There is lots to do, and lots of lovely places to hang out and people watch. Get a lovely hot day and everyone is out enjoying the weather, cycling along the waterfront, strolling through the parks eating their Chicago style hot dogs (a must try) or sunning themselves aboard a yacht out on the lake. Plenty of museums too, for the culture vultures, and some great shopping opportunities. Once you leave the city, Mustang optional but recommended, the pace really slows down quickly. It doesn't take long to reach the 'burbs, with a more laid back less "Americano" vibe than the lower states. Not far out of the city you will reach some great outlet malls, and just slightly further you are into some very picturesque arable land, perfect for cruising along the poker straight roads, with the wind in your hair. You do need to watch out for deer when the crops get a big longer, the can jump out from anywhere. All in all, I thought it was a great city, for a city stopover, or a short break. If you are heading off on Route 66, make sure you give yourself enough time to see what the city is all about. If you have already done New York, Boston and Los Angeles and want to try somewhere different, I can highly recommend it, I had a great time, and it really wasn't as windy as its nickname would have you believe. Top Ten Things To Do 1. Walk along the waterfront The walk from Millennium Park to Soldier Field is great. You can walk right along the waterfront doing some amazing people watching and stopping for drinks or a hotdog at one of the many kiosks along the front. It is a fair walk, so make sure you have plenty of water with you, and sunscreen if it is a hot day! Alternatively, you can pick up a bicycle and cycle it instead. 2. The Bean Go see "The Bean" in Millennium Park. It looks like a giant glob of mercury has been deposited in the middle of the park, although I have been assured this is not the case and it is totally safe. Tourists and locals alike flock here to get their pictures taken, with the weird and wonderful reflections it casts. Wedding parties and Quinceanera, a mainly Mexican tradition similar to a sweet sixteen, celebrated on a girls 15th birthday, are all over trying to get the best shots. 3. Lincoln Zoo Lincoln Zoo is amazing with great landscaped grounds, plenty of wildlife and best of all it is free, yes FREE, (although you do need to pay for parking). A great family day out. 4. Charter a Yacht Head out on Lake Michigan with your own yacht, bring along some cold drinks, loud music, and again, sunscreen. Watch the people chilling in the park, check out all the other yachts, just have a blast. 5. Shop the Magnificent Mile Shopaholics delight, every designer you can think of, all in a line and waiting. Make sure you have some super comfy shoes and deep pockets. 6. Wrigley Field Home to the Chicago Cubs, catch a ball game, mingle with the locals, grab a cold beer, and perhaps another hotdog, they are supposed to be great here. 7. The Field Museum Home to a fantastic collection of biological and anthropological artefacts. There are some amazing exhibitions from dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to China. 8. The Shedd Aquarium Almost next door to the Field Museum is the Shedd Aquarium. Seven permanent exhibits, one off special events and for an up-close experience with the inhabitants check out the Extraordinary Experiences. 9. The 606. Like the New York highline, the 606 is an abandoned elevated rail line now used as a pedestrian path. It spans nearly 3 miles and gives you a different and local experience of the city. 10. Willis Tower Skydeck For fantastic views over the city, visit the Skydeck, walk out on the glass ledge if you dare. Not one to do if you fear heights.

My customer stories

Sent by Cate Hodgeson

We always receive fantastic, responsive service from Erin. She is knowledgeable and efficient and I have complete confidence that we are in good hands. I simply would not book a trip without having Erin at the helm!

Sent by Gary Teece

Erin was amazing, she sorted our cancellation with Tui who were no help at all, booked our holiday with everything we need ,flights hotel car parking, any holiday we have in future will be though Erin, can't praise her enough.

Sent by Bruce Menzies

Erin takes the anxiety out of the equation in a friendly and relaxed manner. Most helpful.

Sent by Liz Carnie

Erin Cameron has booked several holidays for me now and I would highly recommend her. Some of the trips have been bespoke and she has put together packages for me which have resulted in amazing trips.

Sent by F Cruickshank

I've used Erin twice now for totally different travel plans, and she couldn't be more helpful. I'm confident that whatever I'm looking for, she will deliver.

Sent by W Weir

Very personal approach to customer service. Nothing too much trouble to ensure that we found our ideal holiday. Quick response to enquiries. Excellent knowledge of destinations; transport and accommodation options

Sent by W Weir

Very personal approach to customer service. Nothing too much trouble to ensure that we found our ideal holiday. Quick response to enquiries. Excellent knowledge of destinations; transport and accommodation options

Sent by Alison Stedman

Erin is very helpful and makes my travel plans very much easier. I will recommend her to my friends.

Sent by Paul Aitken

Great service from Erin, right from initial contact Erin was very helpful and had all the details for my holiday over in no time at a great price also. Would highly recommend Erin amazing service. Thank you

Sent by E Gray

Fab service from erin!

Sent by M Campbell

Erin has been friendly, easy to communicate with, regarding little or bigger issues, patient, understanding, helpful, encouraging, very prompt with replies.

Sent by F Cruickshank

We haven't been abroad on holiday for some years but Erin made the whole process so easy for us. We felt that we were listened to and not rushed or pressured in any way. We'll be going back to Erin to book another holiday soon.

Sent by S Burnett

So helpful with all aspects of the holiday and time taken to explain everything to a novice traveller.

Sent by K Cabrelli

Erin Cameron is an absolute delight to deal with regarding the booking of our Daughter & I's holiday. So friendly, super efficient and knows exactly the type of hotel and holiday I was looking for. Everything from the initial enquiry, through to the booking was completely straight forward, and Erin kept in touch the whole way through.

Sent by K Kinloch

Erin was recommended to me by a couple of friends who had previously booked their holidays with her. I was not disappointed. Her expertise in helping me plan my holiday of a lifetime shone through. She was very patient as I returned on a couple of occasions to change dated and overnight stops. Her knowledge of all things travel-related was amazing and I couldn't have planned this without her help. Thank you very much Erin.

Sent by L Allotey

Erin was very patient with me and able to make changes around my constantly changing schedule. She was also very quick to respond. Outstanding service thank you.

Sent by C Gentles

Erin, is amazing, she is quick to reply to my emails, she sorts out everything we need for our trips which sometimes can be complex. If there is a problem she makes sure she has an answer/s before coming to me. As a family we would not book with anyone else. :)

Sent by D Nicoll

Great advice and such a smooth transaction

Sent by L Carnie

I have used Erin to book several holidays and she has offered a first class service. We have had issues with missed flights and a member of the party testing positive for covid which Erin dealt with. The peace of mind that i have from knowing that Erin is at the end of the phone is great. I have asked her to book very specific holidays and she has come up with a good deal. I have asked her to plan a couple of bespoke trips which she put together and they were amazing and exceeded expectations. I would have no hesitation in getting Erin to book a trip for me or recommend her to family and friends.

Sent by A Craig

Erin is knowledgeable, understanding and brilliant at what she does. She spent time looking for what we were wanting and gave us an insight to areas she knows would be suitable. She has given me peace of mind with booking this holiday since covid and I will be returning in no time as well as advising friends to her also.

Sent by Cate Hodgson

Always responsive and individual service! Thanks Erin!

Sent by L Reid

Erin is so easy to book through, takes all your needs/requests in to place to provide the best holiday

Sent by S Mcneal

Erin always happy to help and source our holiday with all the boxes ticked as per our requests. Would not go anywhere else. First class service

Sent by K Davidson

Erin was great at finding us the exact holiday that we wanted at a great price.

Sent by John Crawford

Erin was very helpful and arranged what i required promptly and efficiently

Sent by Steve Taylor

Great efficient service, saved me hours of time

Sent by Pat Duncan

Having toyed with the idea of an Alpine summer holiday for years, we contacted Erin and asked if she could help with sourcing and booking a family holiday for us in 2023. Erin responded very quickly and answered all our questions in a timely manner. We were able to take advantage of a system that allows us to pay in instalments making this holiday far easier to finance. I am now looking forward to a summer week in the French Alps mountain biking every day, eh hem... I mean hanging around shops and play parks with my wife and daughter. Joking aside I', sure there will be fun times around the lake sides, drives with spectacular views, family walks and food to die for. I now feel committed, and what a fantastic feeling that is. You really can tailor a holiday to suit even the strangest of breeds, even a dynamic family with requirements pulling in many different directions.

Sent by Gillian Fleming

Erin is thorough & quick to respond in answering queries, questions etc. She has booked 2 holidays for us & been great at sourcing the best deals & keeping us straight with any queries we have had. We had a cancelled flight on our last holiday & she sorted all that promptly & saved us a lot of hassle. Looking forward to our next cruise holiday later this year thanks to Erin

Sent by H Duffield

Erin is super helpful and is the perfect person to organise your holiday

Sent by Pauline Allan

Always a great service from Erin , always quick to reply with any questions ..first class service

Sent by D Mcneal

A huge thank you to Erin. She is fantastic at keeping in touch. Can’t help enough.

Sent by C Gentles

Erin is amazing. As a family we would not book with anyone else.

Sent by E Wood

Erin stuck with us and continued to work at getting the holiday for us. There is 6 of us in our party, so not an easy task to please everyone.

Sent by A Lindsay

Very easy to book and accommodating.

Sent by Rona Cameron

I always recommend Erin to my family and friends

Sent by G Fleming

Erin is thorough & quick to respond in answering queries, questions etc. She has booked 2 holidays for us & been great at sourcing the best deals & keeping us straight with any queries we have had. We had a cancelled flight on our last holiday & she sorted all that promptly & saved us a lot of hassle. Looking forward to our next cruise holiday later this year thanks to Erin

Sent by A Macdonald

Yes - very efficient and useful to find near my home — I will use the service again I am sure

Sent by C McDairmid

Erin has been fantastic support to myself and is now supporting my colleagues as well. Prompt and professional, thanks to Erin

Sent by Ivy Mackie

Erin was very helpful, in finding the best deal to meet my needs, and my budget. I never felt rushed either, and she offered follow up assistance if required.

Sent by S Bodman

Myself and my wife would like to thank Erin Cameron for arranging our holiday this year. We came to Erin at the start of the year and said we quite fancy Athens and would like to go on holiday for 10 days from the 1st June. We left the rest to Erin. She came back with 3 days in Athens, Hotel, and transfers all included and a 7 day cruise from Athens to Barcelona, again all transfers included. We couldn't be happier and signed up straight away. The holiday was amazing and flawless. Erin even managed to organise a Segway tour of Athens for us. We can't thank Erin enough for all the work she had done in bringing our holiday together and if anyone is considering any type of holiday then look no further than Erin, the service she gives is truly second to none.

Sent by D Noble

Very prompt attention and helpful. Thank you, have already started recommending to others. Thank You.

Sent by Helen Duffield

Erin was super helpful and found a lovely hotel for my friend and myself. I would definitely use Erin again for another holiday.

Sent by Julie Bodman

Erin was fantastic from start to finish in organising a cruise for us as we had no idea where or what holiday we wanted & she came back with a cruise & we are beyond excited, many thanks

Sent by Jane Mudd

Very quick turn around on all requests. Had previously been speaking with another travel company and found the service from Erin hugely better

Sent by J Noble

Erin was very knowledgeable and extremely helpful and went through every detail, would definitely recommend and use again

Sent by P Allan

Very helpful indeed great recommendations highly recommend

Sent by R Cameron

Erin is always friendly and helpful and will go out of her way to make sure you get the best travel experience possible.

Sent by Kerry Cabrelli

Erin Cameron is absolutely amazing. Made me feel so comfortable regarding our holiday enquiry, I spent alot of time back & forth trying to figure out where to go etc for our family. Erin was extremely patient & very helpful & professional in every way regarding our enquiry. We are pleased with what erin has done for us, and cannot wait to go on our holiday now.

Sent by L Reid

Erin was fantastic in searching for the perfect family holiday, nothing was too much trouble as I changed dates at one point and she just provided another quote within hours. I will definitely recommend Erin and would definitely recommend her to friends and family. A very pleasant experience and Erin was lovely

Sent by Heather Stuart

Amazing service from Erin never used Travel counsellors before but I am a convert now!!

Sent by Molly Redford

Absolutely brilliant service ! So friendly and so helpful ! I couldn’t have organised this last minute trip without Erin’s help - cannot show my appreciation enough! She was so easy to get in contact with and lovely to chat to over the phone. Was always able to help answer any questions I had and organised a fantastic trip for my partner and I . Will absolutely use this service again and have recommended to many friends and family members!

Sent by Paul Boyle

Always very happy with the trips and accommodation which Erin sources. Looking forward to next adventure.

Sent by D C

Erin has done a great job organising our first cruise. Great advice, great service and great price ! Thank you again Erin and look forward to booking many holidays with you in the future.

Sent by C Davidson

Great service! Erin was able to find us a great deal at a fantastic hotel within our budget.

Sent by M Sivewright

Excellent service., very knowledgeable. I had to make changes to the original travel requirements which were sorted out very promptly! Would highly recommend using Erin for any travel requirements

Sent by L Carnie

Last week my partner and I were away on a wee road trip doing the North Coast 500 which we had booked through Erin form Travel Counsellors. It was a bit of a last minute plan and I only contacted Erin 10 days before our planned set off date so it was a bit of a challenge. Erin found us lovely accommodation at various places around the route, one of them being a beautiful cabin on the edge of the sea which we enjoyed very much. Along with all of our accommodation vouchers Erin had also prepared some information on places to visit in each area and also details on places to eat and drink. We had a fantastic trip and this was made hassle free knowing that it was all done for us. I have no hesitation recommending Erin to anyone planning a trip and I will try to give more notice for my next one, although I cant guarantee that as I seem to be getting more impulsive in my old age. Thank you very much Erin for all your help

Sent by O Ritchie

I phoned Erin with my planned itinerary to travel to Tenerife and within 30 mins she had sent me all the details plus travel insurance to allow me to book. I couldn't have asked for better service. So efficient! Thank you SO much.

Sent by P Ritchie

Nothing is too much trouble for Erin. She goes through everything step by step in such a professional way and is also very kind and courteous. We trust her completely.

Sent by L Sim

Last January you helped us book our trip to Lapland. You gave us different options based on my dates and kept me right with what was included in the trip. You answered all my queries and kept us up to date when Thomas Cook were no longer providing the flights. You hand delivered our documents, including a handwritten Christmas card from Santa inviting our son to Lapland. I couldn't have asked for better service or a better trip to Lapland, and would highly recommend this holiday to all with young children, and would highly recommend you to my friends, family and colleagues.

Sent by Liz Baillie

Erin has been very helpful, pleasant and patient. She has guided us through the booking process with the minimum of fuss.

Sent by Kathleen Gunn

With Erin's experience of our destinations she made it much easier and almost certainly better than we could have. And so much less stressful!!

Sent by W Weir

I already tell all my friends about her excellent service. From start to finish of a trip she’s a star

Sent by G Chiffers

Erin has gone above and beyond to ensure our holiday goes ahead as planned. She is easy to contact and is very prompt at getting back to me which is great

Sent by Teresa Sinclair

Erin was so helpful, talking through all options on packages suitable for us, excursions available & dropped off all paperwork to my house, appreciated such a personal touch, have passed out business cards & happily recommend your service to family/friends

Sent by S Masson

Very helpful, stated where we wanted to go and were given the quotes and everything was taken care of for us.. Very straight forward and easy to deal with. Would highly recommend.

Sent by A Smith

Thank you for doing it so fast saved us a lot of hassle.

Sent by R Cameron

Many thanks to Erin for organising a special weekend in Glasgow for my best friend and I to see Strictly Come Dancing. Erin recommended staying at the Hilton Garden Inn which was very comfortable and only 5 minutes walk to the SECC Hydro

Sent by M Laing

Thank you Erin for organising a girlie trip away for myself and mum. Erin gave three amazing options for us to choose from, she listened to what we wanted and all within budget. we chose a spa weekend in Falkirk, not something I would have ever thought of myself, we are going to visit the kelpies, falkirk wheel and have a spa day planned at the hotel. I would recommend giving Erin a try, she will come up with something you would never pick yourself. Thanks gain xx

Sent by F Coutts

Just wanted to say a big thank you to Erin for organising a holiday I have been dreaming of for so long to Zanzibar next year. I'm a really fussy customer when it comes to holidays, and she went out of her way to find me exactly what I was looking for, and all within my budget. She's a star! I can now relax and look forward to my 2019 holiday knowing that everything has been taken care of ??

Sent by G Martin

Erin went out of her way to obtain the best outcome for our travel needs

Sent by W Weir

Prompt professional response to my enquiry and all delivered on budget.

Sent by Bill Bowles

Gwen and I would like to thank you very much for arranging a fantastic holiday for us to enjoy her significant birthday. It could not have gone better and this is entirely due to your diligence and professionalism in making all the necessary arrangements. The 2 hotels that you recommended, the Sofitel Sentosa in Singapore and especially the Majestic in Kuala Lumpur were excellent. We were absolutely thrilled to find that we had received a free upgrade at the Majestic to a suite as a result of you emailing the hotel and informing them of the reason for the holiday. In both hotels the staff could not have been more attentive and helpful. Our flights, transfers and rail journey from Singapore to KL were all flawless and very easy with the exception of having our cheeses confiscated by customs at the checkpoint near to Johore Baru. This was entirely our fault for not reading the rules! Once again Erin, thank you so much for the great job you did for us and good luck with Travel Counsellors.

Sent by I Weir

I have recently booked a holiday with Erin and would highly recommend her. She was very responsive, intuitive and adaptable to our ideas and budget. A great option for not only saving hassle but also adding value when booking both business and personal travel.

Sent by Kim Elder

Erin did a fantastic job finding the right deal for me. Nothing was too much trouble. If we could score her 11 we would!!

Sent by Liz Carnie

I just wanted to express my thanks to you for arranging my recent trip to Berlin. I wanted to arrange a special birthday surprise for Colin and you made sure that it was special. From my initial enquiry for a weekend break you listened to my requests and advised on places. I settled on Berlin and you took care of the rest. You offered me a choice of accommodation with different budgets and once the decision was made on the hotel you did your magic. When you brought me the tickets they were personally wrapped up which made giving them a bit more special. From the flights to the hotel and the fact you even hand wrote the luggage labels for us so there was no scrambling around in the check-in queue to get that done everything was great and Colin and I had a fantastic weekend. I would have no hesitation in using your services again and would be happy to recommend you to family and friends.

Sent by C Forde

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with a variety of quotes to help us decide the type of family summer holiday we wanted to experience this year. Your initial holiday selections surprised us with options we hadn't considered before looking very appealing. Despite changing the type of holiday we wanted to have as a family, you were still able to assist and have helped us securing the holiday we wish to have. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend your services or use you again as necessary in the future.

Sent by S Grant

Getting married and all of the build up to the main event is an experience. The honeymoon is like the reward at the end of all of it. We contacted Erin last year to suggest some destinations and gave her a budget to arrange a short break for us. Erin you arranged travel and excursions which were very memorable. We will certainly be in touch for our next holiday. Many thanks

Sent by Chris Forde

My wife was searching for a holiday for herself, mum and sisters recently and gave Erin a call. The process for booking the holiday was stress free and hassle free and was a pleasant experience for her. Now she is able to look forward to enjoying her trip away knowing everything is in hand and that she will be looked after.

Sent by D Dalgetty

A couple of months ago I was looking for flights to Germany so my wife could take me on holiday for my birthday. I could only find ones with transfers in Amsterdam with no less than a 4 hour wait. When you are only going for 4 days you don't want to be spending 4 hours in an airport. So, I contacted Erin and asked for help, she came back with three different options and with only one hour waiting time which was ideal. So, we booked the flights through Erin and even after me getting the dates wrong and having to change them nothing was a problem for Erin. I would have no hesitation in recommending Erin Cameron Travel Counsellor to anyone. Thanks again.

Sent by Michaela Fletcher

Erin had been a lifesaver I was faced with booking a complicated journey for my boss which would have entailed using various sites. Erin put the whole journey together in a couple of hours at a price that was lower than what I had been looking at. She will be my first stop to use again and have been singing her praises all week.

Sent by Fraser Milne

I would just like to thank you for managing to get all my return flights booked home to Aberdeen on 17th August. First class correspondence all the way with this booking, from start to finish. Thanks again.

Sent by R M

Great service. Erin is friendly, knowledgable and very efficient. When I requested minor changes to my accommodation she changed these and gave me a revised quote within minutes.

Sent by Lorna Ross

I found Erin to be very helpful and knowledgeable. She asked loads of questions and was able to make some great recommendations for our trip to Thailand next year. She has found us great flights and accommodation without stretching our budget. Delighted to have found such a personal travel service.

Sent by Sandra Higgins

A little note to thank you for your help in arranging our trip to New Orleans (which went smoothly and was very enjoyable). I will be passing on your details to my pals.