New England and Canada Autumn Holiday - Part Two

Margaret Oldroyd on 24 September 2009
Staying at Mystic, Connecticut we visited The Museum of America and the Sea at Mystic Seaport, which is a Living history museum consisting of a village, ships and 17 acres of exhibits depicting coastal life in New England in the 19th century. We ate one night at Mystic Pizza, which became famous as it was featured in 1988 film.

Hyannis, Massachusetts has many connections with the Kennedy Family. We went for a boat ride round the harbour and they pointed out, from a considerable distance where the family used to spend some of their time.

Our final stop was Boston, Massachusetts. We took the car back, having driven in several of the New England states to view the fall, including Vermont which is reputed to have the best display of autumn colours, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York and Massachusetts.

In Boston we took a Duck tour which takes you on both land and water, down the Charles River. The one we went on was purple and had someone driving who claimed to be an ancient Greek! All great fun, especially as he took great pleasure in teasing anyone who was British on how the New Englanders had beaten the old country for their independence. We went into the Boston Public Library, it was lovely and warm. Also we walked around Copley Square, where there was an ornamental hare and tortoise, showing the tortoise in the lead!

We decided to splash out on our return flight and had a seat that became a bed which is a lovely relaxing way to fly.