A New Start and Making Memories

Sarah Davies on 10 September 2019
A new start...

September is seen by many people as a time for change, a new start, the start of a new year...

None more so than if you have little ones going back to school, or even starting “big school” for the first time.

Although my little girl has been at school for a couple of years now, I still remember her first day as if it were yesterday. I felt like I was losing a part of me as she walked into her classroom for the first time, as though that little hand that squeezed tightly was never going to be all mine again. I worried if I’d remembered to pack everything, to label everything (!), whether she was ready? (I know I wasn’t!).

How did you feel after your child(ren’s) first day at school? Were you sad, upset, relieved, happy?

I’m pleased to say though that my gorgeous princess has really enjoyed her time at school so far and I have delighted in seeing her grow and become the lovely little lady she is today. I’m so very proud of her.

What I have realised though, now she is not with me all day every day, is that it makes family time even more special than it was before. It is most definitely about making the most of the time that we have, spending quality time together.

A huge part of our family time is our holidays, we make the most amazing memories, whether it be on a trip of a lifetime to places like Lapland and Dubai, or more regular trips to Spain or UK breaks by the sea, where building sandcastles and fish and chips on the beach is a tradition that will hopefully last a lifetime. We are already looking at where we’d like to go in 2020 and I’d love to help you and your family plan your special time together too x