A Journey to Rest – a guide to beating jet lag!

Daniel Adams on 10 March 2024
I recently discovered a product that has really helped with jet-lag and, after over 30 years, I can't believe that I have just discovered this and think about all those days feeling a tad drowsy. This would have saved so much time and productivity...Do read on this fascinating article from my good acquaintance Steph Sullivan, feel free to ask her any questions and paste the links to her website (not able to hyperlink)

steph.sullivan@ntlworld.com or paste this link to order directly. https://bit.ly/GettheBestSleepHere

Today, many people have problems getting good, regenerative sleep, and adequate sleep is crucial for our bodies to function optimally. It's during sleep that our bodies repair cells, consolidate memory, and even release hormones that regulate growth and appetite. When we don't get enough sleep, it can lead to a host of health issues, including weakened immunity, weight gain, and increased risk of chronic diseases.

For travellers crossing multiple time zones, jet lag can be a real challenge. It disrupts our body's natural circadian rhythm, leading to fatigue, disorientation, and insomnia. But the good news is that there is something that can be a game-changer for those long-haul holidays. It was several of our clients that brought this to our attention.

Sleep Support is a scientifically formulated gummy designed to help you fall asleep naturally and maintain a deep sleep. It’s jam-packed with active ingredients and nutrients like Melatonin and L-Theanine, which are known to promote sleep and relaxation.

One of its unique features, is its ability to support the regenerative sleep phases. This is particularly beneficial for those dealing with jet lag, as it helps reset the body's internal clock and align it with the new time zone. It’s also enriched with vitamins A, C, D, E, and Zinc.

These gummies are safe, effective, and non-habit-forming and can be taken as needed, making them a perfect solution for those who frequently travel across time zones or have occasional sleepless nights.

And the best part? It's not just about getting you to sleep. It's also about keeping you asleep. Because there's nothing worse than finally drifting off, only to wake up two hours later wondering where you are and why there's no coffee!

Remember, a good night's sleep is not a luxury; it's a necessity. It's time to say goodbye to jet lag and hello to refreshed mornings with Sleep Support.

Steph Sullivan

PS. I’d been recommending this product for a few years when I started getting very positive feedback about it really helping with jet lag. So, on our trips to Mexico and the Dominican Republic last year, we didn’t hesitate to use it. Happy to say it really helped, and in both directions! We were pleasantly surprised at how quickly we got into sync with the local times! Wonderful.

For any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me steph.sullivan@ntlworld.com or use this link to order directly. https://bit.ly/GettheBestSleepHere