Holiday for mental health - a personal experience

Daniel Adams on 10 October 2023
Meet John and Sean my two best friends in the world and biggest support. For many years my work had been 12 hour days (or more!) and then yet more once I got home as well as working at weekends. Travel was more about work (but I still loved it!) and I was in a real rut, living somewhere I was not happy and not the life I wanted to live. I worked for a great company and great people but I was not happy in myself and not achieving what I wanted to achieve to make myself happy and in the process was hurting those around me who had to bear witness to this. Something we often forget is that our pain can be as infectious as our laughter.

These two gentlemen persuaded me to actually take a holiday to Gran Canaria which was exactly two years ago today. At the time, after so much long haul travel and business class flights this seemed like a holiday I was not going to enjoy. I was dismissive of everything and determined to stay down feeling that the dark clouds were never going to lift. Well, this holiday became a huge revelation. Firstly, a smashing Jet2 flight with crew who were so happy to be in their jobs that it became infectious and I started to smile and relax. I truly rate this low cost airline above others and have flown them since, it’s a happy space to be in on those flights and a company that value their team members. Once on the ground I partied almost like a menopausal maniac (and showing no shame whatsoever!). I ate well as my friends are foodies and we found a Michelin starred restaurant, then just a few hundred yards from the famed Yumbo Centre found amazing and local food.

We had great accommodation with great staff and a beautiful pool area, but more importantly we had TIME. Time to celebrate our friendship, time to laugh, time to be us, time to express ourselves freely and time to simply be the fabulous individuals that we are. A huge lesson learned about what holidays are, what they mean to us all and that they can be very different to each person. It’s about taking time to step back, leaving chaos and stress behind and reflecting on what truly matters. It made this simple holiday the most transformative two weeks of my life. With the full support of these two special people the change was happening in Gran Canaria. They wondered why on days by the pool I appeared pensive and deep in thought. I was allowing myself the time to compartmentalise all parts of my life and consider the next step.

On return home, rejuvenated, refreshed and revitalised I walked in to my job and handed my notice in calmly, with sadness still as it was something I was deeply proud of, but ready for a new era in my life which lead to working for myself as a Travel Counsellor and hoping that I am creating the time and space needed for other people to reflect, spend time with loved ones and, most importantly, time for themselves. Wherever, whenever and however I am sure I can find something for them.

Recently we celebrated my life as a Travel Counsellor and went to see Frozen in the West End, because as I decided in Gran Canaria I had to start a new future to make me happy. As Ailsa sings in Frozen “I’m never going back, the past is in the past…..Let it go, let it go and I’ll rise like the break of dawn!” You’re singing it now aren’t you! I destroyed the tune during a tipsy karaoke on the last night! Whilst I am single they also surprised me and bought me a furry Olaf as company, because "Reindeers are better than people!" (There are some great theatre breaks over the winter months incidentally) Whilst I am outstaying my welcome with them I am not sure they realise just how much I appreciate them.

So, today on world health day, think about transforming your life, reach out to friends if you are struggling. They would rather hear now of your struggles from you, than from your doctor or in your eulogy. I spent many years before making the change and I know that we all know what we need to do to create any change of in our lives but, please don’t wait, be brave. If you feel you cannot speak with friends then start with a stranger. See the links below resources to make that start.

Take care, and take care of yourself


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