Travel trends from a female perspective

Sarah Glyde on 19 December 2023
I can’t help noticing that the women-focused travel market is growing fast. As an adventurous woman traveller, a little skeptical part of me wonders whether I’m being stalked by an algorithm to fill a niche... but it is overruled by the powerful resonance I feel with the increasing number of women-focused travel opportunities.

Having just returned from leading a women’s safari in Namibia, I can still feel the glow that accompanies the different level of bonding and companionship from being in women’s company and sharing experiences together. It was a magical few weeks of laughter, fun and stories, making new friends and the most incredible journey filled with so many memorable moments and sightings. A source of fresh inspiration and a little extra confidence.

Such trips are not about the absence of men but rather acknowledging that women have different concerns, interests and needs when it comes to travel. Take birdwatching trips for example, one of my loves, most fellow women birders I’ve met don’t buy into the competitive, laser-focused, list-making kind of twitching. They prefer a slower-paced approach, spending time watching bird behaviour, regardless of how rare they are.

Women-only tours can be a chance to join a supportive, comfortable space to learn new skills, or invest in time in improving existing ones that are often juggled alongside responsibilities caring for others.

If you would like to know more about opportunities for women travellers, I’d love to hear from you.

If you would be interested in joining me on a relaxed birding trip and safari in southern or east Africa let’s make it happen!

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” - Eleanor Roosevelt