Disney and Me

Sarah Mott on 06 February 2024
Disney and Me

I realised yesterday when sharing some offers about Disney that I should probably explain my passion.

I love Disney.

I have done since I was a child.

As a young child I would have given everything to travel to Walt Disney World (Disneyland Paris did not exist at that point!), but family finances and my parent’s travel plans meant that I didn’t get to go until I took my own children for the first time back in 2012. Since then I’ve been hooked. We got to Disney every year, be that Disneyland Paris, Walt Disney World in Orlando or the original Disneyland in California. In one 12 month period we managed to visit each of these parks – that really was something!

What do I love about Disney and why do we keep returning? For me Disney offers a little bit of escapism. As my family has grown and changed so have the things that we have done at Disney. We’ve travelled to Disney with toddlers who refused to eat anything other than pizza and chicken nuggets to more recently exploring the food on offer with more adventurous teenagers - a Japanese Hibachi restaurant and really extraordinary steak restaurant were the highlight of our trip. The level of customer service and cleanliness throughout the resorts is always second to none. I just know as I drive under the Arches into Disney that I will be taken care of and for me this is priceless.

When home I love to keep up with all the goings on at Disney. I follow vlogs and social media keeping my finger on the pulse for changes in the park, new attraction and restaurant openings as well as keeping an eye out for any offers that may be about. The parks and resorts are constantly change and evolving – this was one of Walt’s passions when he created Disneyland and Walt Disney World – his parks would never be finished and always be evolving. I love feeling part of the parks evolution but know this does cause problems for those who do not go as frequently. Just when you think you’ve worked out Fastpasses they change to FastPass+. Sorted FastPass+ and along comes Genie+ - Disney have already tempted a new iteration of this system due out anytime soon. I’ll be watching and reading ready for what that is whenever it is launched!

During lockdown and COVID I came together with a lovely community of fellow Disney fans. We had weekly quizzes that became more and more complex as we realised that all of us really were super fans. Who knew that you could make entire quiz rounds out of floor coverings and where to find speciality drinks!

My launch into the travel industry was, in no small part, propelled by my love of Disney. As I planned trips for friends and family I realised how much I had learnt in the last 12 years and how all of this knowledge had lead to some really exceptional holidays for me, my family and the people I planned for. It broke my heart to see families who had spent thousands to go to Florida but to be let down by ill-informed travel agents or not enough time to do the planning that was needed to really make their trip fly. That’s where I come in! If you tell me what your family likes to eat I can direct you towards a suitable restaurant. Let me know the level of thrill you want (or motion sickness that you suffer from) and I will be able to direct you to the best rides for you. Are you chief bag holder? I’ll let you know the ice cream shops with the location of a lovely bench for people watching while the thrill seekers have their time.

Disney and Florida holidays in general are so expensive, my passion is for everyone to have the holiday they want – there’s a little bit of Florida for everyone and I can help you to find it x