What's your travel inspiration?

Sarah Mott on 01 February 2024
To me, travelling is a joy and something that feeds my soul. I have a list longer than I can even begin to describe of places I would like to go and things that I would like to experience. Some of them are fairly standard but some of them are slightly out of left field. My wanderlust can be piqued by a book or film. Both the original book version and most recent film version of Death on the Nile have really inspired me to investigate Egypt River Cruises. The opposite can also happen while visiting a location I’m inspired to try a new book or TV series. On a recent trip to Dubrovnik the iconic vistas that feature so heavily in the Game of Thrones really made me aware that I must watch this series (I must find the time to commit to this).

Sometimes my inspiration is a little less obvious. I have always adored the idea of tiny countries. Visiting Vatican City, seeing the Swiss Guard in their interesting uniform and marvelling at Michelangelo’s Sistine chapel only whet my appetite for these intriguing places. How on earth does Andorra sustain itself, what sets Lichtenstein apart from its European neighbours, is Monaco really the playground of the rich and famous? My son visited Monaco recently and assured me that it was teaming with glamorous individuals and enormous super yachts!

As a family there is nothing that we love more than a new theme park and a top rated Escape Room. We are waiting with baited breath for the launch of Universal Orlando’s Epic Universe. The kids are desperate to return to Athens and further explore the Escape Room scene there. Athens is top notch for their horror escape rooms – I suspect that they are just wanting to scare me again!

Perhaps I can convince the kids to accompany me as I explore some history, follow in the footsteps of the Mayflower – the first ship to take Puritans from England to the New World - starting in Southampton and Plymouth (UK) before heading over to Plymouth (USA) and Boston or maybe I’ll save this for a couples escape – who knows. The world is really there for the taking.

There’s also food and music and friends…. the inspiration really is boundless and the world is there for the taking x